Mala Tang (麻辣汤) Place
Along Guilin Road
January 4, 2012
The best part about the location of my work is that there are a lot of affordable places to go to for lunch that are just within walking distances.
The Mala Tang Place is literally just two shops away from the school’s main gate.
The freezers are always stock up with fresh vegetables and various processed meat selections in skewers, neatly arranged in separate baskets. |
Gafor, picking out his favorite vegetables. |
My Mala Tang dish will not be complete without the meat balls.
After stuffing your basket, choose your rice noodles (there is another variety of choices here, I usually choose the bean sprouts over the rice noodles) hand it over to the friendly, Mala Tang Connoisseur of the day.
And voilà,
Yummy, yum, yum.